
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday morning..

Ahh... Watch drama till 12am something with parents. =x I mean whole family watch drama together! haha!
Such a long time we didnt watch drama/movie together dy. :)
Yet, I have to wake up at 7am! =.="
What for? Just because of the breakfast! Every Sunday`s breakfast! x)
Oh well, i`m sleepy now but i`m not going to sleep! It`s still early.. haha!
Watch my korean drama! :p

I have finished watching the korean drama!! 原来是美男!!! =p
Here they go! He looks gay here but he is handsome and cute!!! =)))
Ahhhh.. Does it sounds stupid when a person cries for the drama? :p
If yes, then i`m a stupid.. larlalalalalalala... Opps.. What I have say? Nothing right? Ya, nothing.... :D
Have a nice day dude! :p


  1. What korean drama o? so cute one watch together with family !if my mum will say:ni dou sooottt de HAHA.

  2. haha! korean drama, “是美男啊”!xD
    No lar.. I watch hong kong series with them, not the korean one cuz they watched before.. =x

  3. Ohh 原来是美男 is super nice !! i love this drama, and i cried like thousand times :P so its normal :) wait a min, u said he looks GAY?? ><! he sooo cute!!!! ♥♥♥

  4. haha! yaya! Super nice! :)
    Sometimes he looks gay, but actually he is handsome and cute!!!! ♥

  5. LOL my favourite korean drama! :DDDD
    love X1000000!
    keep repeat and repeat this drama when I'm free! LOL

  6. YAYAYA ! and the ost is nice too. omg finally i found confidant :D fion n henry say he looks gay n na yeng-ish ! :'((
