
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My 19th Birthday

It was my 19th birthday yesterday! =D 
Woke up in the morning to do household. :p 
Around 10am, my sister asked me to go her school for Hepatitis B test. Its free. :)) Don`t ask me when the result come out, because I myself also don`t know. =.="
Around 2pm, I went to fetch my elder and youngest sis from school. :)
After lunch, I fetch my sis for tuition again and that was my ex-teacher. Therefore, I got down and met her for a while before they start tuition. Harry, the baby is getting bigger already! Soooo cute...... =))
Oh ya, my teacher is now having the second baby too.. :)) *After tuition, my sis said that the teacher was very happy, good mood.. Weeeeeeeee*

Since they started tuition, then I have to leave. No worry.... I went to a shop nearby to visit my friend`s mummy..
The aunt treated me good then I should pay her a visit! =] We chit chat for almost 3 hours till my sis finished tuition. Before I leave, she gave me a bag from her shop! (She didnt know that was my birthday) Aunt is responsible for a franchised shop, she just gave me the branded bag FOC. @@". I feel good and bad at the same time! 

At night, after dinner, we ate cake! yup, my parents bought me a cake from a teacher as donation? No idea.:p
This is the home-made cake. Although it doesnt look nice but it tastes good then okay. :D
Around 8pm something, my friend, tan tan asked me to hang out. I asked him to come over 1st for cake.
I waited for quite a long time and he havent come. Apparently he bumped into the gate of his house! =x
too bad right? Then I went over there to meet him and his brother for drink! :) and and... Thanks for the cake from Tan brothers! :DD
Thanks Tan Tan and Xiao Tan for the cake! =DD
Definitely, thanks for all the greeting from my friends and family..=]]] thanks alot! You guys brighten up my day!! :DD