
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Great dinner before going back...

Yesterday tried out the new restaurant here. It was steamboat actually! Muahahahaha. Besides steamboat, there were some sort like sizzling pan around the pot. We ate alot that day. Seafood, beef, vege and some sort of food which I didnt know the name. Haha! Conclusion is we were super full! :p

Tonight another great dinner is waiting for us.
An auntie, my parents` friend, called up to my hse and invited us for buffet dinner together at the hotel we often go. :p She said i`m going back to KL tomorrow, so auntie and uncle invite my family to go dinner. Thanks uncle auntie for the buffet just now. Such a long time I didnt go there for dinner already. :)

By the way, I`m just too luckily to be there. I met one of my friends during dinner time! He went there with family for dinner buffet too. I didnt really notice him till he walked near to me. Haha! What a co-incident right?!

Oh well, have to go back tomorrow. Not even pack my luggage yet. I should have pack it since we will depart in the early morning. :p So, gotta go. Nights! =)

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