
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Great dinner before going back...

Yesterday tried out the new restaurant here. It was steamboat actually! Muahahahaha. Besides steamboat, there were some sort like sizzling pan around the pot. We ate alot that day. Seafood, beef, vege and some sort of food which I didnt know the name. Haha! Conclusion is we were super full! :p

Tonight another great dinner is waiting for us.
An auntie, my parents` friend, called up to my hse and invited us for buffet dinner together at the hotel we often go. :p She said i`m going back to KL tomorrow, so auntie and uncle invite my family to go dinner. Thanks uncle auntie for the buffet just now. Such a long time I didnt go there for dinner already. :)

By the way, I`m just too luckily to be there. I met one of my friends during dinner time! He went there with family for dinner buffet too. I didnt really notice him till he walked near to me. Haha! What a co-incident right?!

Oh well, have to go back tomorrow. Not even pack my luggage yet. I should have pack it since we will depart in the early morning. :p So, gotta go. Nights! =)

Friday, April 29, 2011


" 玩了这么多年的剪刀、石头、布,

=) 你是否也有同感呢?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hang out..

Just hang out with my beloved teacher and friend for tea just now.
Perhaps you will be shocked to hear that I hang out with my teacher, but you are right, I mean my teacher.
We treat each other like siblings. ;) We would like to share everything about ourselves, especially the problem we face. There would be no secret between us. Wonderful, isn`t it? Even my real siblings, they dont really know well about my things. Yet my teacher did. We talk about anything under the sun. :p  Thats us!

Ya, just chat with my friend. This remind me that my sem break is going to an end soon!! I have to go back KL real soon. Then our Malacca trip is coming soon!! :))
Actually, I haven arrange my timetable.. :p

Well, I should have go sleep now. I have to wake up early in the morning to accompany my mummy to market. :p be a good girl since I`m still able to do so.. ;')

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Home alone..

Home alone is very boring and scary! Especially at night!! =(
I just feel like going out, driving to here and there even though I have no any destination.
Can I? ;p

I can do it right now as there is car! Yet, I dont feel like doing it alone. =[
Loneliness can kill a person badly!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011


Feel like i`m driving the whole day. =x 
After fetching my sister to tuition, I go back to my secondary school with my friend.
We go back to take our SPM cert. I did ask for 1119 cert too!
but do you know what I get?! The staff told me that she is not in charge with the 1119 cert!
and the one who responsible for it isnt here today, on leave! =.="
Walao.. Siien eh, they told me to come back within this week again.
Means I have to go back purposely just for another piece of paper again! >"<

btw, it is kinda sien when you are driving here! everyday, everywhere also jam because of the stupid road construction for almost two years?! @@" I dont remember how long it takes already. What to do? This we called Lahad Datu! :p

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday morning..

Ahh... Watch drama till 12am something with parents. =x I mean whole family watch drama together! haha!
Such a long time we didnt watch drama/movie together dy. :)
Yet, I have to wake up at 7am! =.="
What for? Just because of the breakfast! Every Sunday`s breakfast! x)
Oh well, i`m sleepy now but i`m not going to sleep! It`s still early.. haha!
Watch my korean drama! :p

I have finished watching the korean drama!! 原来是美男!!! =p
Here they go! He looks gay here but he is handsome and cute!!! =)))
Ahhhh.. Does it sounds stupid when a person cries for the drama? :p
If yes, then i`m a stupid.. larlalalalalalala... Opps.. What I have say? Nothing right? Ya, nothing.... :D
Have a nice day dude! :p

Friday, April 22, 2011


去载姐姐的时候,因为练习还没完,我只好在车等。。妈呀,我觉得我会因为这样而变黑耶!(@_@) 好啦,我知道我差不多每天重复同样的东西,可是真的很热的天气。我会变炭啦!>.<"

对了,说起昨天,妈咪弄了我喜爱的南瓜西米露!!:)) *真满足啊!~*

Thursday, April 21, 2011


我忍不住啦!!~ 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!!

Decision making..

Refer to the previous post, 
This is what Henry said before in FB.

Yes. Sometimes it does when we throw the coin, but not all the times!
Sometimes, we still have to make our own decision, right?!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011




之后,妈咪还说了一些例子。。。"(@_@)" 她让我对即将来临的马六甲旅馆怕怕了。。

出门一会儿就觉得被灼伤了耶!~ =x 好啦,我知道我夸张了,可是真的很热啦!~

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My 19th Birthday

It was my 19th birthday yesterday! =D 
Woke up in the morning to do household. :p 
Around 10am, my sister asked me to go her school for Hepatitis B test. Its free. :)) Don`t ask me when the result come out, because I myself also don`t know. =.="
Around 2pm, I went to fetch my elder and youngest sis from school. :)
After lunch, I fetch my sis for tuition again and that was my ex-teacher. Therefore, I got down and met her for a while before they start tuition. Harry, the baby is getting bigger already! Soooo cute...... =))
Oh ya, my teacher is now having the second baby too.. :)) *After tuition, my sis said that the teacher was very happy, good mood.. Weeeeeeeee*

Since they started tuition, then I have to leave. No worry.... I went to a shop nearby to visit my friend`s mummy..
The aunt treated me good then I should pay her a visit! =] We chit chat for almost 3 hours till my sis finished tuition. Before I leave, she gave me a bag from her shop! (She didnt know that was my birthday) Aunt is responsible for a franchised shop, she just gave me the branded bag FOC. @@". I feel good and bad at the same time! 

At night, after dinner, we ate cake! yup, my parents bought me a cake from a teacher as donation? No idea.:p
This is the home-made cake. Although it doesnt look nice but it tastes good then okay. :D
Around 8pm something, my friend, tan tan asked me to hang out. I asked him to come over 1st for cake.
I waited for quite a long time and he havent come. Apparently he bumped into the gate of his house! =x
too bad right? Then I went over there to meet him and his brother for drink! :) and and... Thanks for the cake from Tan brothers! :DD
Thanks Tan Tan and Xiao Tan for the cake! =DD
Definitely, thanks for all the greeting from my friends and family..=]]] thanks alot! You guys brighten up my day!! :DD

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Home. :D

Still I have to wake up early in the morning today.
Attended a talk which was about breast cancer, not bad. :) At least I know more about it.

In the afternoon, I went out with friends for drink!! With Teen and Henry. :DD
Such a long time that I never meet Li Teen already. She changed, especially her face. =x

Again, I miss you babeS! :p
I go tru all the photos again and again now. Can you see how much I miss you? :p
Oh yes, I miss you guys so much!! :') 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Crazy moments after final!! xD

Oh well, I am already home! WEEEEEEEE..... Home sweet home!! :D

But but..... I miss my buddies in KL! :(
The day before I came back, we sat for our last exam paper, General Bio 1.
After that, we went to 1 Utama for K session!! Everyone was like crazy singing non-stop.
Around 7pm, we went to Shogun as we planned before. It supposed to be 6pm but we went late as everyone was reluctant to leave the K room. Haha!
Shogun, dinner buffet, about their food, I`m not going to give any comment! =.=" Kindly try it on your own.
We ate till very full and chit-chatting with each other till crazy! I really mean crazy, we talked as if we were in the market, LAUGH and LOUD! XD
Suddenly, two waiters came toward us with two cakes! <3 <3
Wondering why? They were giving us, dai lou and I, an early surprise birthday celebration and farewell for Kee Kee! :)
Oh, just for your information, dai lou and my birthday are on the same date! hehe... Hard to get someone who had the same birthday date, you know? but I found one! weeeeeeeee...... What about you? :)
Definitely, hang out with buddies without taking photos are totally BAD! Yet we had fun taking photos, alot of photos! :p
Buddies! :D
Me, Dai Lou and Kee Kee.. :)
I have to get the candle out from the cake using my mouth! ><
Everyone is here!! :p
We returned to hostel around 11pm. Slept for 2hours and went to McD at 4am for breakfast with some of the buddies!! Sounds crazy right? but we did it! =p 
After that, I rushed for KLIA transit to go airport. Luckily, I managed to go for it. Just that I carried two luggage bags like hell! =x I mean they were really heavy, especially mine! Haha! My hands are still pain now eh. blablabla. I don`t mind because I`m back to home now!!!! =DDDDDDD

Friday, April 15, 2011

last paper..

Nothing much to say about but STRESS! I dont know why.
Later I`m going to sit for my last paper for this sem, yet I`m still here online, updating my blog.
I should be happy that this is the last paper, but I`m even more stress of it. 
Perhaps the paper is BIO, thats why I`m so stress of it! =.=
I cant really memorize all the stupid DNA, photosynthesis and enzymes! =(
Hope that the paper is just so easy that I can really answer them well.. ><"
My mind is full of those time we were having fun and the time we are GOING TO HAVE FUN soon!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


1 more to go which is Bio on Friday! Don`t know if I should be happy or sad? ><
But what I want to say is about this morning. I had a dream!! =x
It`s quite weird that someone appeared in my dream with some weird actions! Haha!
Will that happen in my real life? I wonder....

Anyway, I`m waiting for my last paper then I can return home!!! I mean Sabah, my sweet home! =DD
Before that, BIOLOGY is coming!! Oh well, I`m lazy to study it since I`m not really interested in it. :(
but what can I do? I still have to study for it if not I will feel guilty. ><"

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Didnt study for the whole day... =.="
Quarter of the day- sleep   Another quarter of the day- eat! LOL. Half day gone. =x
I went out for lunch at around 12pm and I came back to hostel at 7pm! 9lat bo?!
Chitchatting at Oldtown until 3pm something. Thinking to go back but raining heavily.
Then we decided to change venue for our high tea as one of my friends was craving for SR. xD
Thus we went for it till 6pm something and returned home!

Sometimes I wonder if my action is right. I dont know what should I do when the problem comes. =(

Saturday, April 9, 2011



Friday, April 8, 2011


Again, my roommate goes back to her hometown today.. =(
I`m gonna be alone again.
Or I should say, this would be a good time for me to do my revision as I still have 4 final subjects to go.. >.<
AHHHHHHHH!!!! Hope so...

Thursday, April 7, 2011


 Done with my Malaysian Studies final today! 1 down 4 more to go. :(
The 4 coming subjects are not that easy so score. They are hard. Well, the main thing is I dont feel like studying at all! Why do I feel like this way? I dont know. 
Again, I think of the incident again........... What will happen on this coming Sunday? :(
After the wind and rain, there will be a brand new day?? Will it be that way..? Or it will be even worse like thunderstorm or flood? @@ =x ><" I DONT KNOW! I really really hope that everything will be fine. Anyone tells me what will happen? I wish to know yet I scare to know. Sigh.....
Monday I`m gonna sit for another paper but I haven start study it at all. Mood mood mood... where are you..?
I really need you right now.. My study mood is totally OFF. =.="

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


煮豆燃豆萁,豆在釜中泣。本是同根生,相煎何太急?  ——《七步诗》



我不晓得我该怎么办..... 毕竟不是我能解决的问题。。



Friday, April 1, 2011


A crazy night I ever have!
Meet my sister at around 4pm. Rest for awhile then go for dinner at mamak.
After that, plan to sing k at leisure mall! 3 of my friends are singing k at another place.
They come here and meet up, continue to sing for another 4 hours! total up, they sing for 10 hours! SALUTE! =)
As a conclusion, I LOVE YOU!!! =D

Happy April Fool. :p