
Friday, July 1, 2011

I`m sorry, Froggy.

Oh well. Talk about Wednesday. We had our HARDEST paper in the whole foundation year. Thanks to Gen. Bio 2, it made everyone crazy over it! LOL. Or I should say, it drives us crazy?! Haha! Well, thanks to this subject, we sat this paper from 5-8pm, 3 hours long! -.-"
After the test, we straight away went to the night market for dinner. Yea, you should know, we used up too much of our brain cells and bla bla bla, so we are hungry and there we went for food. :D Bio2, dont care. Put it aside first. Haha! *Opps, I saw something that day! Please la. -.-" *

What about Thursday?! Another Bio day.
Btw, based on the newspaper, there will be no electricity in our whole uni! which mean class will be cancelled. :DD but too bad, it doesnt happen. Classes are still the same, somemore we do have extra class till 6.30pm. Ya, you are right. As I say, today is Bio day. So, it is bio extra class. =.="
Before extra class, we have lab session. Last week, we dissected a rat. A dead rat. Today, we dissect a frog, which is still ALIVE!! You can even see the frog`s heart beat. (@_@)" What`s the problem?! The problem is, I`m the one who dissect it!!!!!!!! :-( I`m the one who cut the heart of the frog! I`m the one who ended it, ended its life!! You know how long I took just to take out the heart?! The heart doesnt pump anymore when I took it out. my lecturer wondering and asks me, you use so long time to take the heart is it?! I answer, YES!
I`m freaking scare?! no, i dont think so. but i dont know how should i describe it! my hands just cant stop shaking when i cut it! ><" I`m so sorry for you, froggy. :"(

Alright, I should stop talking more and more as I have another paper, calculus midterm later and I haven start study yet. =x So, I should stop here and go study and SLEEP! can I skip studying and go sleeping?!
btw, i`m hungry dy. -_-"

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