
Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Suppose to sleep late today but have to wake up early for the observation at 11am. BUT damn it that the Miss responsible for this observation forget about it already and thus the observation postpone to 12.30pm. Sitting at the lobby while waiting time to pass. There are some booths over there at lobby to promote their products, I think so? So, we go to one of the booth, HL milk. We play a game and win a container and get a free HL Choco milk. Haha!

3pm- attend the tutorial class till 4pm. After the class, I straight away go to bank as I need to settle something BUT................ BUT the bank CLOSED!! It is just 4something and the bank is closed!! Their working time is from 10am to 4pm?! So short?! Walao Tak Faham.. I rush all the way to bank but it is closed! :( I walk back to hostel and they say go gym. I am so lazy but that I have to go as they ask me to go. LOL. Standing in the gym room seeing they all do. Cacat right? I know. Haha!

The most important thing is that there is something wrong with my computer players! I cant watch any movies at all!! T.T What`s wrong with it? I wanna watch my drama... ><"

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