
Sunday, July 10, 2011

For you...

THe naughty side of us 
Our angel <3
The pretty girl :)
Food Science and Biotech students with Mr.Vee =D
Nice enough? ;)
Do Re Mi Fa So........
Bio 2 classmates and Mr.Vee
As what you see above, everyone is wearing formal. Yea, I had my presentation last Thursday but I`m not the one who present. :x Dont ask me why. A lot of things happened for this few days, included the stupid protest. What the hell in M`sia?! :x
I dont have the mood to update my blog as what I did last time. I`m getting lazier. How am I going to sit for my coming quiz and finals? =s
And same goes to my friends, they are emo too. Why huh?

Nana, I know we are not going to study in the same campus starting next sem but no worries. We are not going to forget you. We will definitely miss you and always remember of the moments we all had together. Sounds like we are not going to meet each other anymore?! As if the campus is soooooo far away like, from east to west, that we cannot meet? HECK NO! We are still able to meet each other everyday as the campus is just so near, okay?! We still manage to hang out together as we like to do. Shopping, chatting, drinking, exercising and so on!! So, dont so sad and/or emo as if we cannot meet up. Smile.... =)

About my little cockroach, I have no idea what happen to you but be strong and live strong! There are always obstacles in the journey of our lives. But remember, thanks to them as they let us grow to be a stronger person! :) So, smile again after you are sad, k? ;p We will always be here support you, no matter what. Be happy. =D

For you, I`m sorry if my actions make you feel bad but you have to know why I do so. Please ask yourself about it. I`m not trying to quarrel/argue with you, I just want you to be honest, not to tell everything, but at least not cheating. 对不起,谢谢.

Dont think I`m abnormal. I`m just like usual. Just so normal even at this late night, or early morning? Whatever.... All the best and have a nice day, everyone.


  1. Awwww I'm touched mummy!!!:') of course right.Dont you ever think of dumping your daughter hor :P

  2. I`m not a cruel mummy. Why I wanna dump my daughter to the others? :) I`ll love my daughter with all my heart and soul. :p

  3. Love you too mummy. hearts yaaa!!!! ♥ :')
