
Friday, July 15, 2011

Collecting fun run clothes..

Having no class on Thursday starting this week. Thus, I planned to go Wisma OCM to collect our team`s t-shirt for Olympic Fun Run.
Met up with Ivy and Nana for lunch and went to Plaza Rakyat. Bumped into my roommate`s friend, Si Mei. (I dont know the exact spelling :p)
When we reached Plaza Rakyat, we saw few security guards (and police?) standing somewhere outside the bus station. Walked toward and ask for the direction to Wisma OCM. A big thanks to the security guard for giving us a super wrong direction! Luckily we asked the other person all the way we walked. :s
Apparently, we walked the other way round! It was totally different direction eh!! How come the stup*d guard points a "dead road" for us. ><"
On the way going to Wisma OCM, a guy talking in a different accent of chinese, perhaps from China?, asking for the way to Muar!! LOL.. bla bla bla and settled his stuff, we continued with our journey. lol!
Seriously, it was really far if you are going to walk! =x but we did! Reached there and collected our clothes. Helping Jason and Sky`s groups to collect their clothes too. Yet we three were just too clever that we didnt bring any bags to put those clothes! Guess how we brought them all the way home.. xD
This is the shirt for the coming fun run! :p
Since the time was still early, we went Times Square. Nana bought herself and her roommate a slipper.
Having 10% discount with coupon. =p
Dinner, here we go! We went Pizza Hut, Wow savers 50% discount! :DD
And now, I am actually rushing my report as we need to hand in by later..? Remember, it is already Friday! :s luckily my lecturer is good enough that I can hand it by Monday. =x Thanks Mr.Vee! =)) but still, I have to do it as fast as possible. It is not easy eh. ><" Aza Fighting!!

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