
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Had my hair cut today.

Went Leisure Mall on Wed with gangs for Green Lantern. Nice movie.
Ngehehehe. After that, went Sakae Sushi for dinner.
Halo. Do I look cute here?! XD
With Ivy. :)
And yea, she is so excited with the braids! :p
Time for Sakae Sushi.. Yumm yumm..
Before going back home. =DD
The crazy us! xD
Oh ya, I had my hair cut just now! Quite expensive. It costs me RM30!! =x
Well, dont talk about the price. Talk about my hair. It is short now. *compare to before, it`s really short now* A little bit weird as I haven get used to it. -_-" I keep saying that my hair is so short. LOL.

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