
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A lot of activities this few days! Hehe!
Last Friday, we went Fun Ok Restaurant to celebrate Chia Vern`s birthday. It was a surprise party for her! :p
Group photo :D
The girls! Love ya.. ♥
Birthday girl with me.. :)

Sunday woke up in the early morning, 5am, to participate McDonald Olympic Fun Run at Dataran Merdeka with my buddies. =)
Group photo consists of 3 teams and 1 individual!
Our team!! :D
Fly high!! And finally I did it!! ♥
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Gym, swimming, badminton ah.... i`m coming!! :p 
The routine is not gonna be the same again, for sure not AGAIN.

Time flies. Suddenly think of that my one year foundation is going to an end. So fast right? =s

p/s: what you want to do, just go ahead! Don`t affect my life will do.

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