
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Today I keep laughing at a person, why? Just because of the stupid stuffs he did. :x
First of all, he wears slippers with. -_-" He lends his sport shoes to one of our friends in order to go for his lab session. Otherwise, the whole group will get punish by deduct mark, I think. He is lazy to remove the stocking, so he just wear the slippers like that. Actually, no one notices it till he tells me. I burst into laugh when I see that. Seriously, it looks weird for me, at least for that moment. XD
Does this look weird to you? It does for me. XD
Secondly, we go to Pos Office as we wants to send something. He wrote the amount of money as RM20 11sen. I laugh at him again as he thought of writing the year. -_-"
Again, when we are walking to City Write shop, he hits on a rope hanging outside a shop. I wonder if he really cannot see the rope. Haha! Okay, fine. I shouldnt laugh at the other people, I know that. But...... I just cant control myself to laugh at that moment. Sorry Horny.. :p

Btw, Thursday I`m going to die for the presentation. We have to submit our reports too. :s
Everything haven start, neither reports nor presentation. I have no idea what to do since the movie is not really related to the case study we want. I`m just so gonna die for it. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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