
Thursday, July 14, 2011


Went to bank again after class. What for? Yea, settled my stupid stuff. Not much to explain about that, but my card was being terminated. I need to make another replacement card but I cant as my mummy is not here. Overall, I was mad, crazy and sad about this! No more next time please. :'(

After so long I bought my swimming suit, today I went swimming with Angel and Jason.. =)))
On the way to North Wing, I saw my cousin which he is suppose be there in Seremban. Apparently, he came KL with my uncle. Btw, he got the same name as you, Ivy. He is the one i mentioned before. 阿强!HAHAHAHA!
Besides that, really sorry to Jia Hui jie as she was sitting and doing nothing but waiting us for almost 3hours? :x "Chungma bianeiyo"

Then something that I will do every Wed, night market! :] I walk the market twice, with friends and roommate. :x So, I am so tired to type this now but I feel like doing so. :p

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