
Sunday, July 31, 2011


Have you ever touched by someone or something? Memories flash back~~~
Isnt that sweet? I mean it. Even a single word or a sentence, it works on me.. :")

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Physics quiz 2

Less than 12 hours time, I`m going to have my physics quiz 2 yet I`m lazy to study for it. :s
What is wrong with me? I`m getting lazier this semester. How if I go into degree next semester? Am I going to die as degree is even harder than foundation. =(
Stupid you, you ruin my days! :'(

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

4am in the morning and I haven sleep yet.
Thanks to the milk tea I drank just now at around 11pm? :x
My head is a little bit heavy right now. :s I know, I should go sleep already right?
Okay okay... Gotta go gotta go.. Nights.... :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

shopping.. ♥

Went Sunway with Ivy yesterday since we were too bored staying at room during weekend.
Never expect myself to buy anything but ended up, I was the one bought a lot of goods!
Well, I satisfied with what I bought. Finally, I bought myself a white formal shirt. It looks nice on me and the most important thing is mega sales=cheaper! :) So were those shirt and shoes I bought. :x
Then we tried out the new outlet there, Sno. :D It was a little bit expensive to me but who cares? Give it a try, at least I tried it, isn`t it? :p

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A lot of activities this few days! Hehe!
Last Friday, we went Fun Ok Restaurant to celebrate Chia Vern`s birthday. It was a surprise party for her! :p
Group photo :D
The girls! Love ya.. ♥
Birthday girl with me.. :)

Sunday woke up in the early morning, 5am, to participate McDonald Olympic Fun Run at Dataran Merdeka with my buddies. =)
Group photo consists of 3 teams and 1 individual!
Our team!! :D
Fly high!! And finally I did it!! ♥
Add caption
Gym, swimming, badminton ah.... i`m coming!! :p 
The routine is not gonna be the same again, for sure not AGAIN.

Time flies. Suddenly think of that my one year foundation is going to an end. So fast right? =s

p/s: what you want to do, just go ahead! Don`t affect my life will do.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Are you ready? =)

Sooner, we are going for Olympic Fun Run! 
Do wish us good luck! :)
We are coming!! :D

Friday, July 15, 2011

Collecting fun run clothes..

Having no class on Thursday starting this week. Thus, I planned to go Wisma OCM to collect our team`s t-shirt for Olympic Fun Run.
Met up with Ivy and Nana for lunch and went to Plaza Rakyat. Bumped into my roommate`s friend, Si Mei. (I dont know the exact spelling :p)
When we reached Plaza Rakyat, we saw few security guards (and police?) standing somewhere outside the bus station. Walked toward and ask for the direction to Wisma OCM. A big thanks to the security guard for giving us a super wrong direction! Luckily we asked the other person all the way we walked. :s
Apparently, we walked the other way round! It was totally different direction eh!! How come the stup*d guard points a "dead road" for us. ><"
On the way going to Wisma OCM, a guy talking in a different accent of chinese, perhaps from China?, asking for the way to Muar!! LOL.. bla bla bla and settled his stuff, we continued with our journey. lol!
Seriously, it was really far if you are going to walk! =x but we did! Reached there and collected our clothes. Helping Jason and Sky`s groups to collect their clothes too. Yet we three were just too clever that we didnt bring any bags to put those clothes! Guess how we brought them all the way home.. xD
This is the shirt for the coming fun run! :p
Since the time was still early, we went Times Square. Nana bought herself and her roommate a slipper.
Having 10% discount with coupon. =p
Dinner, here we go! We went Pizza Hut, Wow savers 50% discount! :DD
And now, I am actually rushing my report as we need to hand in by later..? Remember, it is already Friday! :s luckily my lecturer is good enough that I can hand it by Monday. =x Thanks Mr.Vee! =)) but still, I have to do it as fast as possible. It is not easy eh. ><" Aza Fighting!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Went to bank again after class. What for? Yea, settled my stupid stuff. Not much to explain about that, but my card was being terminated. I need to make another replacement card but I cant as my mummy is not here. Overall, I was mad, crazy and sad about this! No more next time please. :'(

After so long I bought my swimming suit, today I went swimming with Angel and Jason.. =)))
On the way to North Wing, I saw my cousin which he is suppose be there in Seremban. Apparently, he came KL with my uncle. Btw, he got the same name as you, Ivy. He is the one i mentioned before. 阿强!HAHAHAHA!
Besides that, really sorry to Jia Hui jie as she was sitting and doing nothing but waiting us for almost 3hours? :x "Chungma bianeiyo"

Then something that I will do every Wed, night market! :] I walk the market twice, with friends and roommate. :x So, I am so tired to type this now but I feel like doing so. :p

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Suppose to sleep late today but have to wake up early for the observation at 11am. BUT damn it that the Miss responsible for this observation forget about it already and thus the observation postpone to 12.30pm. Sitting at the lobby while waiting time to pass. There are some booths over there at lobby to promote their products, I think so? So, we go to one of the booth, HL milk. We play a game and win a container and get a free HL Choco milk. Haha!

3pm- attend the tutorial class till 4pm. After the class, I straight away go to bank as I need to settle something BUT................ BUT the bank CLOSED!! It is just 4something and the bank is closed!! Their working time is from 10am to 4pm?! So short?! Walao Tak Faham.. I rush all the way to bank but it is closed! :( I walk back to hostel and they say go gym. I am so lazy but that I have to go as they ask me to go. LOL. Standing in the gym room seeing they all do. Cacat right? I know. Haha!

The most important thing is that there is something wrong with my computer players! I cant watch any movies at all!! T.T What`s wrong with it? I wanna watch my drama... ><"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Deal with Secret Garden

Finally done with Secret Garden the day before Business quiz. A nice drama for me but not all, especially my roommate. :p She said this drama isnt that great for her, she is impatient in watching it as sometimes she found it boring? I dont know.
Well, I manage to do the business quiz as the question is the same as the tips given. Thanks to the lecturer.
After class, hanging out with Ivy, Jason and Kok Yuan for horror movie- ladda land. Whereby Eve, Angel, Nana and Jia Hui go for another movie, Mr. Popper Penguin as they dont want to watch horror movie. :x
Before going in the cinema hall, I get a miss call from my mum. So yea, I call her back and chat about something. I am kinda shock with it since I dont think this will happen, at least not me? I dont know. Hopefully not. I am going to check this out by tomorrow if my time allows me. =s

Sunday, July 10, 2011

For you...

THe naughty side of us 
Our angel <3
The pretty girl :)
Food Science and Biotech students with Mr.Vee =D
Nice enough? ;)
Do Re Mi Fa So........
Bio 2 classmates and Mr.Vee
As what you see above, everyone is wearing formal. Yea, I had my presentation last Thursday but I`m not the one who present. :x Dont ask me why. A lot of things happened for this few days, included the stupid protest. What the hell in M`sia?! :x
I dont have the mood to update my blog as what I did last time. I`m getting lazier. How am I going to sit for my coming quiz and finals? =s
And same goes to my friends, they are emo too. Why huh?

Nana, I know we are not going to study in the same campus starting next sem but no worries. We are not going to forget you. We will definitely miss you and always remember of the moments we all had together. Sounds like we are not going to meet each other anymore?! As if the campus is soooooo far away like, from east to west, that we cannot meet? HECK NO! We are still able to meet each other everyday as the campus is just so near, okay?! We still manage to hang out together as we like to do. Shopping, chatting, drinking, exercising and so on!! So, dont so sad and/or emo as if we cannot meet up. Smile.... =)

About my little cockroach, I have no idea what happen to you but be strong and live strong! There are always obstacles in the journey of our lives. But remember, thanks to them as they let us grow to be a stronger person! :) So, smile again after you are sad, k? ;p We will always be here support you, no matter what. Be happy. =D

For you, I`m sorry if my actions make you feel bad but you have to know why I do so. Please ask yourself about it. I`m not trying to quarrel/argue with you, I just want you to be honest, not to tell everything, but at least not cheating. 对不起,谢谢.

Dont think I`m abnormal. I`m just like usual. Just so normal even at this late night, or early morning? Whatever.... All the best and have a nice day, everyone.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Today I keep laughing at a person, why? Just because of the stupid stuffs he did. :x
First of all, he wears slippers with. -_-" He lends his sport shoes to one of our friends in order to go for his lab session. Otherwise, the whole group will get punish by deduct mark, I think. He is lazy to remove the stocking, so he just wear the slippers like that. Actually, no one notices it till he tells me. I burst into laugh when I see that. Seriously, it looks weird for me, at least for that moment. XD
Does this look weird to you? It does for me. XD
Secondly, we go to Pos Office as we wants to send something. He wrote the amount of money as RM20 11sen. I laugh at him again as he thought of writing the year. -_-"
Again, when we are walking to City Write shop, he hits on a rope hanging outside a shop. I wonder if he really cannot see the rope. Haha! Okay, fine. I shouldnt laugh at the other people, I know that. But...... I just cant control myself to laugh at that moment. Sorry Horny.. :p

Btw, Thursday I`m going to die for the presentation. We have to submit our reports too. :s
Everything haven start, neither reports nor presentation. I have no idea what to do since the movie is not really related to the case study we want. I`m just so gonna die for it. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Saturday, July 2, 2011




而是在一起 就算不说话, 


I saw this at Facebook. :p


This is what I called, speechless. =x

Friday, July 1, 2011

I`m sorry, Froggy.

Oh well. Talk about Wednesday. We had our HARDEST paper in the whole foundation year. Thanks to Gen. Bio 2, it made everyone crazy over it! LOL. Or I should say, it drives us crazy?! Haha! Well, thanks to this subject, we sat this paper from 5-8pm, 3 hours long! -.-"
After the test, we straight away went to the night market for dinner. Yea, you should know, we used up too much of our brain cells and bla bla bla, so we are hungry and there we went for food. :D Bio2, dont care. Put it aside first. Haha! *Opps, I saw something that day! Please la. -.-" *

What about Thursday?! Another Bio day.
Btw, based on the newspaper, there will be no electricity in our whole uni! which mean class will be cancelled. :DD but too bad, it doesnt happen. Classes are still the same, somemore we do have extra class till 6.30pm. Ya, you are right. As I say, today is Bio day. So, it is bio extra class. =.="
Before extra class, we have lab session. Last week, we dissected a rat. A dead rat. Today, we dissect a frog, which is still ALIVE!! You can even see the frog`s heart beat. (@_@)" What`s the problem?! The problem is, I`m the one who dissect it!!!!!!!! :-( I`m the one who cut the heart of the frog! I`m the one who ended it, ended its life!! You know how long I took just to take out the heart?! The heart doesnt pump anymore when I took it out. my lecturer wondering and asks me, you use so long time to take the heart is it?! I answer, YES!
I`m freaking scare?! no, i dont think so. but i dont know how should i describe it! my hands just cant stop shaking when i cut it! ><" I`m so sorry for you, froggy. :"(

Alright, I should stop talking more and more as I have another paper, calculus midterm later and I haven start study yet. =x So, I should stop here and go study and SLEEP! can I skip studying and go sleeping?!
btw, i`m hungry dy. -_-"