
Saturday, March 26, 2011


Done with my student evaluation and course selection.
One of my friends, which is my course mate too, changed her course. I ever think of it too but I dont dare to make a move as she did. Dont ask me why, because I myself wonder it too. Perhaps I scare I would regret for my decision. (as if i`m on the right path now? ><")
I dont know. I just scare. scare of everything that I have to face with! So, just stop thinking about it right now! Go ahead for my own path with patience!
This few days I`m...... stuck??? stuck with some stuffs! besides, i`m kinda fed up with some people for some reasons. Well, let bygones be bygones.
And now, my movements like zombie, so dead! After so long that I didnt exercise, yesterday I went badminton/gym with my friends! =) I enjoyed it but it was  really tiring and pain.

Btw, same questions are popped out from my friends again and again. An answer which is not the exact answer is given. They are not satisfied with it. Oh wait! They sure will ask it again next time. They would like to listen to the story! =.=" well, just see if I`m in the mood to tell..

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