
Saturday, March 12, 2011


This happened last week! =D
When to friends` hse at PJ on saturday night with one of my friends as we decided to overnight there. :p
Kinda late when we reached there as the bus was really really slow. =.=
We walked to Jaya One to look for cake because someone`s birthday on Sunday.
We failed to get a nice one but a banana cake. zadao huh? haha!
Then we walked back to friends`s hse. All along the road was so dark man. and and and..
we were self-scared by two motorcyclists! haha! this was because the motors were getting near and near to both of us. We thought that they might want to grab our things or whatever.? We ran like nobody business man! haha!
bla bla bla. I`m getting lazier to write things. :p

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