
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


29.3.11 (Tuesday, Sunny day)

Having class at 8am which everyone hates the most as we need to wake up early. :p
After algebra class, we goes for CS class. I sit at the LAST row in the hall. =x
(30 minus later.........)
My phone rang.. X calls me whereby X is also in the same class with me. 
X: Want to go out now?
Me: Now? Where we go?
X: Go for lunch. =)
Me: I`m okay if I want to go out but what about you guys? You guys are sitting at the FIRST ROW! :p
9 of us, come out from the hall! Opps, I never mean to skip class, just we go for lunch as the lecturer says if we want, we can. LOL.

We go mamak for our lunch. =) After that, walk back to uni and wait for the shuttle bus. Why we wait for the bus? Aha~ We are ready to go out! =DD
We plan to go for karaoke! Muahaha. 
Here we go!! 8 of us sing for 3 hours. *Most of the time, I`ll just listen to their singing. Thats me! :p*
Oh ya, I should mention here that one of my friends can sing a song at a very high pitch! Crazy man! haha!
After karaoke session, we shop around there.

Around 6pm, we heading to LRT station to return home.
Here the most crazy part of the day! 
At peak hour, the LRT we are at is always flooded with people. but who cares? I mean us.. 
We dont really care about it but standing under the big fan and start to take photos!
We are just so 'ss'. We take alot photos at the station while waiting for the train.
Even people are looking at us and wondering "what are those kids doing there? Never been to lrt station meh? take photos here?! (=.=")", but we enjoy ourselves at that moment! 
And something funny has happen because of me, so paiseh! @@ *wondering what is that? I`m not gonna mention it here. =p*

Overall we enjoy ourselves to the fullest!! Looking forward to the next hang out with them! =)
I`m more looking forward for my sister` arrival now! :0) Weeeeee....... 

Good night people. c:

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