
Monday, March 21, 2011

Sis` convo..

My parents and sisters came KL during school holiday!
Actually they came here for the convo as my elder sister had graduated.
They were there staying in my aunt`s house. So, I did go there to meet them for dinner.
On last Thursday, after my quiz, I went to PICC just to attend my sis`s convo with my brother.
We met with our parents there. When the event was going to start, we queue up in front the hall.
Holding the ticket and walking toward it! but..... the stupid guy blocked me and I was not allow to go in the hall just because my skirt is not cover my knees! =.=" I stood aside and cried. I called my elder sister said that I was not allow to go in. :( then she told me that she did bring one extra set of baju kurung in her bag. and the bag is with my youngest sister. So, I took the long dress from my mom and changed it. If not, I could only stand outside the hall and wait the event finish up! ><"
After the convo, we all went back to my aunt`s house for steamboat! yummy....... :p
Friday after bio class, I have no lab. Then, I went to meet my parents and overnight there.
Since I had a midterm test on Sat, I brought along my notes to study. While waiting for them at LRT station, I took out my notes and I realized that I wrong bringing the note! :(
So, met up with my parents then we drove all the way to Sunway Pyramid. hehehee... time to shop...
btw, my friend is studying somewhere taylor which is very to Sunway. Thus, text her and ask to meet up. HEhe! We bought a lot clothes there. yuuuhooo!! :p
around 5pm something, it was late, we had to go. Heading to Seremban, another aunt`s house for vege style`s steamboat! :D
4am in the next morning, woke up and get prepared. Heading to KLIA as parents their flight was around 8am. Then I hav to rush back to uni for the midterm test. there i went for the KLIA transit. Sibeh tired!

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