
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


When was the last time I cried? I couldnt remember it.
Today, this time this moment, my tears drop without any reasons. :'(


29.3.11 (Tuesday, Sunny day)

Having class at 8am which everyone hates the most as we need to wake up early. :p
After algebra class, we goes for CS class. I sit at the LAST row in the hall. =x
(30 minus later.........)
My phone rang.. X calls me whereby X is also in the same class with me. 
X: Want to go out now?
Me: Now? Where we go?
X: Go for lunch. =)
Me: I`m okay if I want to go out but what about you guys? You guys are sitting at the FIRST ROW! :p
9 of us, come out from the hall! Opps, I never mean to skip class, just we go for lunch as the lecturer says if we want, we can. LOL.

We go mamak for our lunch. =) After that, walk back to uni and wait for the shuttle bus. Why we wait for the bus? Aha~ We are ready to go out! =DD
We plan to go for karaoke! Muahaha. 
Here we go!! 8 of us sing for 3 hours. *Most of the time, I`ll just listen to their singing. Thats me! :p*
Oh ya, I should mention here that one of my friends can sing a song at a very high pitch! Crazy man! haha!
After karaoke session, we shop around there.

Around 6pm, we heading to LRT station to return home.
Here the most crazy part of the day! 
At peak hour, the LRT we are at is always flooded with people. but who cares? I mean us.. 
We dont really care about it but standing under the big fan and start to take photos!
We are just so 'ss'. We take alot photos at the station while waiting for the train.
Even people are looking at us and wondering "what are those kids doing there? Never been to lrt station meh? take photos here?! (=.=")", but we enjoy ourselves at that moment! 
And something funny has happen because of me, so paiseh! @@ *wondering what is that? I`m not gonna mention it here. =p*

Overall we enjoy ourselves to the fullest!! Looking forward to the next hang out with them! =)
I`m more looking forward for my sister` arrival now! :0) Weeeeee....... 

Good night people. c:

Monday, March 28, 2011

28.3.11 (Cloudy)

My second sem is going to an end soon. It means that my final is around the corner!!! >.<"
I haven start study for my subjects... instead of that, we plan for our next sem trip!!!! XD
We plan to go Malacca. :)) Gather up today and discuss about the transport and accomodation.
Since there are too many people, so we might have some little problems especially for the arrangement part..
Yea, you know who I mean. If you dont, then just forget about it! :p
Well, I just hope that we will not facing this kind of problems during the trip.. =)

Hey hey.. Come back to REALITY!! Ok ok.. Fine, come back now..
Final is killing me especially chem 2! =.=" why..? T.T
but I never feel that final is coming around. I keep thinking that my sister is coming to KL and we can go shopping together!! =))) After that, will meet up with my parents and go back to grandma`s place.. =DD
Yuuuhhhooooo!!!~ As if i am in holiday man!! Yet i`m not.. hahahahahaha!

I watched a video in FB just now. It is about an animal, cat. A woman said, “如果你害怕,动物是不会打开心门/不开心。” I dont remember the correct sentence but the meaning is sort of the one i mention. :p
So, what I want to say is, are human beings the same? I wonder..

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Done with my student evaluation and course selection.
One of my friends, which is my course mate too, changed her course. I ever think of it too but I dont dare to make a move as she did. Dont ask me why, because I myself wonder it too. Perhaps I scare I would regret for my decision. (as if i`m on the right path now? ><")
I dont know. I just scare. scare of everything that I have to face with! So, just stop thinking about it right now! Go ahead for my own path with patience!
This few days I`m...... stuck??? stuck with some stuffs! besides, i`m kinda fed up with some people for some reasons. Well, let bygones be bygones.
And now, my movements like zombie, so dead! After so long that I didnt exercise, yesterday I went badminton/gym with my friends! =) I enjoyed it but it was  really tiring and pain.

Btw, same questions are popped out from my friends again and again. An answer which is not the exact answer is given. They are not satisfied with it. Oh wait! They sure will ask it again next time. They would like to listen to the story! =.=" well, just see if I`m in the mood to tell..

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sis` convo..

My parents and sisters came KL during school holiday!
Actually they came here for the convo as my elder sister had graduated.
They were there staying in my aunt`s house. So, I did go there to meet them for dinner.
On last Thursday, after my quiz, I went to PICC just to attend my sis`s convo with my brother.
We met with our parents there. When the event was going to start, we queue up in front the hall.
Holding the ticket and walking toward it! but..... the stupid guy blocked me and I was not allow to go in the hall just because my skirt is not cover my knees! =.=" I stood aside and cried. I called my elder sister said that I was not allow to go in. :( then she told me that she did bring one extra set of baju kurung in her bag. and the bag is with my youngest sister. So, I took the long dress from my mom and changed it. If not, I could only stand outside the hall and wait the event finish up! ><"
After the convo, we all went back to my aunt`s house for steamboat! yummy....... :p
Friday after bio class, I have no lab. Then, I went to meet my parents and overnight there.
Since I had a midterm test on Sat, I brought along my notes to study. While waiting for them at LRT station, I took out my notes and I realized that I wrong bringing the note! :(
So, met up with my parents then we drove all the way to Sunway Pyramid. hehehee... time to shop...
btw, my friend is studying somewhere taylor which is very to Sunway. Thus, text her and ask to meet up. HEhe! We bought a lot clothes there. yuuuhooo!! :p
around 5pm something, it was late, we had to go. Heading to Seremban, another aunt`s house for vege style`s steamboat! :D
4am in the next morning, woke up and get prepared. Heading to KLIA as parents their flight was around 8am. Then I hav to rush back to uni for the midterm test. there i went for the KLIA transit. Sibeh tired!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


This happened last week! =D
When to friends` hse at PJ on saturday night with one of my friends as we decided to overnight there. :p
Kinda late when we reached there as the bus was really really slow. =.=
We walked to Jaya One to look for cake because someone`s birthday on Sunday.
We failed to get a nice one but a banana cake. zadao huh? haha!
Then we walked back to friends`s hse. All along the road was so dark man. and and and..
we were self-scared by two motorcyclists! haha! this was because the motors were getting near and near to both of us. We thought that they might want to grab our things or whatever.? We ran like nobody business man! haha!
bla bla bla. I`m getting lazier to write things. :p

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Friday, March 4, 2011


my roommate is back. =)
but tomorrow i`m going to sit for algebra midterm test. =( I`m just so lazy to study for every subject. =x
what should i do? Algebra is still okay right now. The problems are bio and chem2. they are killing me man!
they are hard + the lecturers bla alot and one of the lecturers herself also blur when she teaches us. =.="
how are we going to understand it? huh.. I know.. you all might will say, study on your own.. i know that, but this is what i dont like. :( self-study is not my type. >.< but i have really no choice now.
Aza Fighting!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Roommate goes Genting to meet her mum, leaving me alone in the room till Friday. :(


Nothing special happened this few days. =)
Last weekend, I went out with my roommate and one of my friends.
We went shopping for two days and we were really really tired after all!
It burnt a hole in my pocket too. :'( but i was happy with the things i bought. hehe!

Oh ya, I had my Malaysian Studies midterm test on wed (1st of march).
I scared the questions would be like so hard yet the questions were so easy and its totally the same as those last sem paper. =x so, it shouldnt be a problem for me.
at night, one of my hostel friend`s birthday. so we went to the nearest restaurant, Richie to celebrate his birthday.
My roommate and I even bought a cake, mix fruit cake, for him as we knew that he would have no cake for his birthday.
A lot midterm tests and assignments are around the corner. i`m just so dead as I dont understand the subjects at all. ><"

This few days sleep kinda late. I told myself to sleep early yet failed to do so. =="