
Friday, January 21, 2011

Genting one day trip.. =DDD (20.01.2011)

20.1.11 is a public holiday as it is Thaipusam. =)
Then one of my friends invited my roommate and I to Genting.
Yet because of some reasons, my roommate couldnt go with us.
There goes 4 of us, Kah Ren, Teddy, Lee Ping and I. This trip is the FIRST trip I had in year 2011. Weeeeee =)))
We reached Genting around 11am something and started to queue for outdoor theme park tickets.
As we know, there would be alot people during public holiday, same goes to there.
After buying the ticket, we straight away go for the FLYING COASTER! ><"
Thats the 1st time i played it as that was quite a new game. I kinda scare when its going to move but in the end, its really fun eh! haha.. we were like Superman flying in the sky.. hahaha.. If you ever play that, then you will know what i mean. :D
I got something to tell you guys.. This trip, I break my own record.. what records are that? hahaha..
I went to play roller coaster and SPACE SHOT during the trip. That was the very very first time in my whole life!
Some people might wonder. Ya, last time I really dont dare to play that. But i told myself not to scare and play it. and I did!! XD They were actually nice, fun and SHOCKED! Give yourself a try if you never play that.
As a conclusion, the trip was really fun and I enjoyed it alot even though we were so fatigued after all.
Hope there would be more trips coming next time! hahahahaha..

Oh, btw, have you ever heard got people get sun burn after going Genting? I`m the one.. I`m now suffering for it. I got SUNBURNT after going Genting! =.="
Anyway, I would like to thanks Kah Ren, Teddy and Lee Ping.

P/S: First time I played bowling too.. and because of the bowling, my fingernails break! :p

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