
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The WRONG day..

This is the first time I write my blog using English. :)
Well, sad thing to say is, there will be power outage tonight starting from 10pm to 4am.
Usually I will just online chatting or doing my work at night until midnight. yeah, until midnight! =p
BUT, what should I do tonight if there is no electric?!
Maybe you will say, "you can sleep earlier."  Ya, PERHAPS I can. I tried it yesterday night, but I failed to do so. Lying on the bed since 10pm but I could only felt asleep around 1am. So, do you think I can? Perhaps. :(
Oh well, I will go to the "pasar malam" here tonight and make sure that I will be back before the power outage!
ARRRGGHHH!! What else I can do????!! I have no idea anymore.. Wish me good luck and hope the weather tonight will not be hot.

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