
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Great.. :)

I bought myself a nice shirt in night market just now. :) I scare I cannot fit it as I cannot try it on spot, but the girl said I can exchange it if it is not fit for me. hehee... Besides that, I`m looking for sandal. I need a sandal instead of slipper. I don`t want to wear slipper wherever I go... hahahaha!
But everytime I go there, I sure will look for HEELS! I love them. =D
Yeah, I saw two nice heels and I want to buy either one for my sister. Yet too bad that they dont have the size I want to buy. So, Sorry to my sis, not that I dont want to buy for you but they dont have your size as your size is BIG. =p
Well, talk about buying things, I`m really great in wasting money! ><"
I waste alot to buy goods this month! How am I going to save money? hmmmmm.... should have to control myself... =)

Btw, there is no power outage tonight!! :D

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