
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

After the trip..

Drinking water non-stop after coming back from Malacca. Feel that my lip is very dry and going to crack at anytime. =x
The weather is just so hot that I can hardly stand with it! Hope that I will not fall sick after this. Otherwise, it will really serious. What I want now is this....
Feel like eating it too? :P

Well, wondering why I`m still here online instead of going to sleep at this time? We are now all comment about the pictures taken during Malacca trip!!
Epic pictures make us laughing non-stop at the night. and I just realized that not much picture I took there. Perhaps I`m too lan si? xD (someone said so) Am I? :p ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Perhaps....

Well well well... Really got to go now as I have class tomorrow.. feeling dizzy now..
Good nights!

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