
Friday, May 20, 2011


Oh well. I should have update my blog on Wed. I`m late. =(
Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday, Ivy.. =p I`m sure you enjoy the surprising party..

Okay. About this blog, the main thing I want to talk about is Genting trip!
Last minus, I know that I cannot go with them! Why?!
Actually I do have a choice to go or not to. The right to decide is with me! Yet, I chose not to go as the other one is far more important than going to play. Sorry for abandoning you guys. NO! I`m not abandoning you all but I just have no choice but to leave you all. I wish I can go with you all too. =( I`m sorry. Seriously, I`m kinda sad after knowing this all. Tears are gonna drop! No no no, I`m not gonna make you all sad by this, but I know you all are sad enough when knowing this. Sigh.. I don`t know what should I say besides sorry. Perhaps gomehnasai? =x
Anyway, I hav already settled the hotel thingy. Will have to confirm it once again in the morning. If not, my money will just fly away like that! Well well well.. It is too EARLY for me now.. I gotta sleep but I cant.. I haven pack my luggage yet. ARGHHH!! Why ah..?! WHY?!! You remind me of "the road not taken" again! Lesson learnt: We have to make decision/choices in our live! Yes, we have too, without any chances of skipping it! Cruel right?! That`s life.

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