
Friday, May 27, 2011


捐完了,医护人员走过来问了我一句:“beranikah takut?” 我很好奇他为什么这样问?
My first time of donating blood
Now i know how pale I look like that day
我没事啦!~ =)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A special day..

Happy Birthday Kok Yuan! =)

How special is today?!
Something unlucky happened today. will update next time as I need to rest earlier tonight. Good night.



因为不用去烦,不用去想啊!~ 知足~~

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Hi.. I`m here Ipoh now.. Basically, the reason I come back here is to visit my grandfather..
Last week, my sister told us that grandpa is in hosp, sounds so serious as he went into emergency..?
Yea, thats why I come back with my bro. :p
Before going to grandpa`s house, I called them and I knew that grandpa is alright and goes back home already.
Then, we straight away go home instead of hosp. =) Well, I see him and he looks just so okay, just a little bit thinner.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Oh well. I should have update my blog on Wed. I`m late. =(
Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday, Ivy.. =p I`m sure you enjoy the surprising party..

Okay. About this blog, the main thing I want to talk about is Genting trip!
Last minus, I know that I cannot go with them! Why?!
Actually I do have a choice to go or not to. The right to decide is with me! Yet, I chose not to go as the other one is far more important than going to play. Sorry for abandoning you guys. NO! I`m not abandoning you all but I just have no choice but to leave you all. I wish I can go with you all too. =( I`m sorry. Seriously, I`m kinda sad after knowing this all. Tears are gonna drop! No no no, I`m not gonna make you all sad by this, but I know you all are sad enough when knowing this. Sigh.. I don`t know what should I say besides sorry. Perhaps gomehnasai? =x
Anyway, I hav already settled the hotel thingy. Will have to confirm it once again in the morning. If not, my money will just fly away like that! Well well well.. It is too EARLY for me now.. I gotta sleep but I cant.. I haven pack my luggage yet. ARGHHH!! Why ah..?! WHY?!! You remind me of "the road not taken" again! Lesson learnt: We have to make decision/choices in our live! Yes, we have too, without any chances of skipping it! Cruel right?! That`s life.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Zoo Negara

Went to Zoo Negara with 3 of my friends.
Here we go............
We took a lot of pictures for sure. This is a must-not-miss thing to do.
Unfortunately, Eve`s camera run out of battery. Lao lin`s camera having some problem whereby the screen will keep shaking. Weird right? but it does. Haha! Anyway, it didnt spoil our outing mood. We used mobile phone to capture, it`s just the same! *Only the megapixels got big different =x* Kinda sad that we were not able to finish the whole zoo that day. Perhaps we wasted too much time for the other things. :x

Around 5pm, we decided to go KLCC for our dinner. Yet no one had idea what to eat. Ended up eating at Rasa food court. xD Went back to Tasik Selatan station. Sitting there for almost 2 hours just to wait for the bus. Thus, we chit chat there. Talked alot.

By the way, this few days I spotted something. =x But I have no idea about the truth. :p

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Sore throat getting worse till I lost my voice. Totally no voice in the afternoon!
I could hardly say a single word when my friend called me! =.="
Why would this happened?! PUNISHED!! ya, it was really a punished!
Know why? I`m having sore throat already yet I still went McD for lunch with my friends at 3pm.
After that, we went to Leisure Mall for movie named, punished (报应).
Night time at mamak, didnt take anything already. only go for drink.

The next day, I got the punished! voice gone! Felt so dead when I talked.
Now, i`m still awake. Planning to go zoo later?! =x I know what will they say if they know it. So, i`m not gonna to tell them as they are busy too. but again, i will get the punish i should. =(

Friday, May 13, 2011


planning to go out alone later.
and I realize today is 13th, Friday. Hope that I`m not that bad luck.
Actually I`m really sick now. =.=" cough, fever, sore throat, everything comes toward me. =(

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The hot day..

The weather is super duper hot for this few days. I saw a post shared by my friend just now. The newspaper mentioned that this kind of weather will continuous happen for few months till SEPTEMBER!!!!! =(
I am having sore throat since this morning. Once I woke up, I felt that my throat is pain. :[

and now, I just came back from mamak with my friends! Talking about nonsense =x
and and and... I am now craving for water.. my lip feels hot again and i`m headache now! Perhaps I just need a panadol but i hate it. :(

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

After the trip..

Drinking water non-stop after coming back from Malacca. Feel that my lip is very dry and going to crack at anytime. =x
The weather is just so hot that I can hardly stand with it! Hope that I will not fall sick after this. Otherwise, it will really serious. What I want now is this....
Feel like eating it too? :P

Well, wondering why I`m still here online instead of going to sleep at this time? We are now all comment about the pictures taken during Malacca trip!!
Epic pictures make us laughing non-stop at the night. and I just realized that not much picture I took there. Perhaps I`m too lan si? xD (someone said so) Am I? :p ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Perhaps....

Well well well... Really got to go now as I have class tomorrow.. feeling dizzy now..
Good nights!



是的,上个星期五我和朋友看戏去了。。Fast and Furious 5! =) 不错下哦。。

第二天(星期六),我们准备去马六甲啦!~ =)
Taking photos in the hotel. ;)
好啦,不多说。我只是要强调,*这感觉已经不对,我努力在挽回。。。。* 这段歌词一直会出现在我的四周(因为我在唱啊~~)哈哈!为什么呢?是的,你不必知道。。如果你知道,我也不必说,因为我不可能说的。。;p


Friday, May 6, 2011


DOnt know how to express my feeling for this few days..
It is MIX of my feeling.. Happy, Sad, Nervous, Anxious, Worries, Excited, Disappointed, Bored or what else?
I dont know. It just mix everything up!
Btw, I fall in love with a korean song. It is nice but kinda emo.. still, so what? I like it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

school reopen...........

Hang out with friends today. We went for movie, Thor! Thought that this movie would be like a bit boring..?
NO, thats not right. =p quite a nice movie actually.

Oh ya, my roommate is back to hostel. :) I`m not alone anymore. heehee...
but i`m quite fed up with the ucXi system. The e-timetable is differ from the faculty time table! Which one should I follow then?! Perhaps I can just dont go for the class later? hahahahaha! I wish too, but I cant.
ahhhhh... sleepy.. It`s time to sleep. GOod night. =D

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I`m back to KL.

After few hours journey, I am back to Cheras, my hostel. >.<"
Yea, alone again here as my roommate haven come back. She will only come back by tomorrow.
So, I am doing nothing here after cleaning the room and unpack my luggage. Online online. Besides online, anything else? No idea. @_@ nevermind, I will find out soon! :p