
Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yesterday was a public holiday. Then, my friend planned to go Cameron Highland as he never go there before.
Thus, 4 of us included my roommate, we went to Cameron Highland yesterday.
We departed around 10am after breakfast and we took almost 4 hours to reach there! What a long journey was that?! I imagined that you have to sit in the car for 4 hours... How tired would it be? :p
The 1st place we went there was somewhere called Brinchang if i`m not wrong. We went to the top restaurant for tea, spectacular view it was. :) but the road to go there was really terrible. The road is hyper duper narrow for only one car yet it is not one way! =="
After enjoying the tea there, it started to rain. =( anyway, it did not really affect our plan. We bought some strawberries, jam and my friend even bought one small bolster so that he can use it in car. :D Even borrow his bolster also cannot. Haha!
Around 3something, we went for our lunch. :p While waiting for the food, they started to play scrabble. There, we stayed quite long as they played the game. Then, we walked to the nearest park, or playground, to take photos. Suddenly, it rains so heavily that we hid ourselves under a shelter. :p
When the rain getting smaller, then we started to take photos again.
After all, it was late so we departed  to return home. When we were near to our hostel, they suggested to go McD for their supper. Hence, we went back to our hostel around 10.30pm. Hehe. Anyhow, it was a nice and  fun trip whereby I could relax myself during the holiday. =)

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