
Monday, February 28, 2011



Friday, February 25, 2011

Quote of the day.

Lyndon Baines Johnson

If we are to live together in peace, we must come to know each other better.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


星期三   晴

这次的实验,每组都会有一个小小的magnetic bar。听说它的价钱挺贵的。
偏偏有一位朋友那么的不小心,将magnetic bar冲进了洗手盆的洞里去了。
挺糟糕的!只好告诉助理了。经过一些小小的讨论,助理只好把她自己的magnetic bar借给我们。=)

只是今晚多了4个朋友。=D 就这样,我们去夜市走走,吃吃晚餐。


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

They drive me crazy.

Midterm tests, lab reports, tutorial and so on are driving me crazy.
The thing that I looking for now is HOLIDAY! =(
I craving for weekends and holiday so much so that I can sleep! :)
Sleep to pay back the sleep debt. :p
But for now, I cant. I have to do the reports and study for the coming midterm tests.
Even Saturday, I still have to go for replacement CLASSES!
And all the midterm tests are on Saturday too! Why must they put it on Saturday?
Cant they just make it during the lecture class? :(

Monday, February 21, 2011


I hate UCSI line! Either it is moving slow or it never move! T.T
I want to online!! Whats wrong with the line here this few days? Last time even its slow, it still moves but now..
And i haven finish doing my revision for tomorrow midterm test and quiz!
I hate it!!!!! =.=



难道真的须要 “画公仔,画出肠” ?


晚安吧。。明天会更好!~ =p

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Why some people can be so ridiculous?! I wonder!

A day as usual.

Every weekend is boring as I just stay in the hostel, so is today.
I have nothing to do that I sleep until noon. :p
After taking my brunch, start to surfing the net and do nothing at facebook.
Then, I think of that I`m going to have a quiz and test on next Tuesday.
Hence, I start to do revision. I try to do the CS tutorial but I stuck and give up as I really dont know how to do. :( So, I begin with Malaysian Studies, which is known as HISTORY! =="
Yet, I cant really concentrate to study. ARRGGHHHH!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yesterday was a public holiday. Then, my friend planned to go Cameron Highland as he never go there before.
Thus, 4 of us included my roommate, we went to Cameron Highland yesterday.
We departed around 10am after breakfast and we took almost 4 hours to reach there! What a long journey was that?! I imagined that you have to sit in the car for 4 hours... How tired would it be? :p
The 1st place we went there was somewhere called Brinchang if i`m not wrong. We went to the top restaurant for tea, spectacular view it was. :) but the road to go there was really terrible. The road is hyper duper narrow for only one car yet it is not one way! =="
After enjoying the tea there, it started to rain. =( anyway, it did not really affect our plan. We bought some strawberries, jam and my friend even bought one small bolster so that he can use it in car. :D Even borrow his bolster also cannot. Haha!
Around 3something, we went for our lunch. :p While waiting for the food, they started to play scrabble. There, we stayed quite long as they played the game. Then, we walked to the nearest park, or playground, to take photos. Suddenly, it rains so heavily that we hid ourselves under a shelter. :p
When the rain getting smaller, then we started to take photos again.
After all, it was late so we departed  to return home. When we were near to our hostel, they suggested to go McD for their supper. Hence, we went back to our hostel around 10.30pm. Hehe. Anyhow, it was a nice and  fun trip whereby I could relax myself during the holiday. =)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


可笑的是,到了这天许多单身朋友都很渴望拥有(desperate for)一个伴侣。

Monday, February 14, 2011




Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!! :)

Few weeks I didnt update my blog.
It was because of Chinese New Year!  =)
Yup, Happy Chinese New Year everyone. Yet, it coming to an end soon.
31st of Jan, I went back to Sabah with my brother for CNY. Before cny, I did meet with some of my old school`s friends, some but not all. Anyway, i miss the moment we played and having fun together. :( when will be the next time for our gathering? I`m looking forward to it.

Oh ya, I enjoyed the 1st steamboat at home. One of my uncles is invited to join for the dinner. We ate alot till we nearly couldnt breathe. Dont believe? Try it! :p
Definitely, I would not forget about the reunion dinner. Every member was sitting around the table for dinner. Chit chatting with each other and enjoyed the atmosphere. For sure, I love the food my mum prepared. :D After the reunion dinner, it was the time that we were excited for! Dad gave us Big Angpau! =))))

1st day of CNY, we went to KK. Thus, we spent the first day in car. Lol! At night, dinner at a restaurant named "记得来餐厅". A nama which we can remember easily. =p btw, the food and the prices are okay. =)
2nd day of CNY, our breakfast was DIM SUM! ngehehehe. We love it very much. After that, we went to uncle`s hse. Sitting at his hse after breakfast till 4pm. One day gone again. :p
3rd day, we went for MOVIE! 最强喜事! nice movie. Louis Koo acts abit 'gay' but he is actually so COOL and funny in the movie! You should have go for it if u havent watch it. You will burst into laugh when you watch :)
Pizza as our lunch. Ring of fortune wasnt that nice compare to supreme hawaii.. Hehe. Dont sue me k? This is just my own opinion. Around 7pm, we went to an aunt`s hse as she invited us for dinner. The dinner was at pool side! :))) Its a nice place but it was raining that night. Spoiled. =(
4th day, breakfast with the aunt yesterday at Sabah Golf Club. =))))))) Quite a nice place for photoshooting. After breakfast, we departed to go back LD.

As a conclusion, I enjoyed my cny holiday..... till 9th of Feb!
After that, I am back to the same routine again. :'( Gambathe!!