
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nightmare!! :'(

Such a long time I ddint have nightmare already.
Unfortunately, last night or I should say is this morning, I had a nightmare!
I was awaken by the nightmare and i couldnt really sleep back after it.
I took such a long time to continue sleeping yet I fail! Why?
Okay, lets tell you why. My campus is under renovation now!
I think they were drilling the wall this morning which made me couldnt sleep well!
After that, I was forced to wake up by 11am to do something. ><"
Again, almost stay at room for the whole day but I did go pasar malam tonight. =D
This would be the last time for this year as I will not around from next week. =p
It means that my HOLIDAY IS AROUND THE CORNER!!! :)
Anyway, I dont hope that I will have any nightmare starting from today. :(

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