
Thursday, April 12, 2012

After my finals. :)

Had my finals on Monday and Tuesday. Everyone studied like hell. Know why?
We had two subjects on first day, 10-1pm and 230-530pm, and another one subject the next day. Great right? =/ And the two subjects were Calculus and Research. 
Freaking sien with research because we have no idea what was it about, even those genius said so. =[
80% of the paper, I didnt know to answer. Honestly, no cheating. 
Simply circled and wrote whatever I knew. Even the calculus, out of expectation.
We thought that the lecturer will be good to us, everyone said. Yet, speechless.

This is how I look like when I study. Look like your dumb drive Ivy? XD
Well, not to say about my finals. Deal with it already. I am proud to say that I am FREEEE :D
So hang out likeaboss now. xD Able to shop for 12 days before I back. A good idea? 
NO. Bad stuff, have to wander around for 12 days whereby every of my friend back to their lovely home. 
Where am I? Still kl. Ok, not important. skip.

My mood of the day
I am really really fed up with LIES around me. 
Sis called last few days. Chat for a while. 
The conversation is the reason for me not to back Ipoh. =x
Sorry to do so but I am really sien about it.
People around me, watch out. 
Dont think like I will care about your feeling, I do have my own feeling.
I am not born to pleasure you. No one does.
"No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path, Buddha merely show the way." - song lyric  which suddenly pop out from my mind. LOL.

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