
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hot weather..

Well. Last few days, the weather is so nice as I cant see the sun?! =x Yea, few days ago, the sky is sooo blur, consider as cloudy or not har?? =.= but who cares, the weather was just so nice to swim and outing. Haha!
Okay, back to main point. I`m going to swim with friends later. Yet the weather now is like super duper hot that I feel like sleeping now as i`m so sleepy and tired? Haha! This few days we keep rushing for this and that.. Yea, this is my uni life.. Two reports are waiting me to complete and pass up on next monday. I dont even start it yet. =s Ahhhh... Sleepy............................ >.<"
Oh yea, about my lecture classes, GREAT! the lecturers just read words by words from the lecture notes. Sooooooo great, dont you think?! -_-" Thats making me even boring during their classes. But no choice. :(
Hmmm... what else to say about? Nothing much I think. Everything is fine now. ;) You know right? Yea, you dont know, nevermind, I dont mind if you dont know. Haha!! =p