
Friday, September 23, 2011


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I feel like washing my hair when I`m doing revision now. Okay, I know this thinking is totally weird and insane? Especially at this time.. -_-" But yea, I just feel like doing so..
When I read the notes, what can I do is scratching my head.. Scratch and scratch... Eat and eat... Read and read... "I GOT NOTHING TO READ FOR!!!!" Ivy, you know what I mean.. ;)
Yup, I do have Uni Chem quiz later... ><" So, all the best everyone!! :DD

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

♥ Dedicate to Yap Shu Xin.. ♥

Eh... Why you hide yourself at the back of the plastic bag?!  -_-"
Faster come out.. come out...
Ah... You are here.. Calling me?! 
WHERE THE HELL IS MY PHONE?! @!#$%&*    =x
Finall, I get it..

Hello, Nana.. :)) I am looking for you.. 
Oh yeah, I`m looking for you.. Where are you?! xD
You know I`m finding you right? 
You should come out once I`m searching for you. :s
I dont want to wait. :p Haha! Okay, I`m just kidding.
I find you because I want to say:
Nana, Happy Birthday!! 
Dont emo emo too often ah... 
Do enjoy your special day today!! I bet you will ♥ it! :p

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hot weather..

Well. Last few days, the weather is so nice as I cant see the sun?! =x Yea, few days ago, the sky is sooo blur, consider as cloudy or not har?? =.= but who cares, the weather was just so nice to swim and outing. Haha!
Okay, back to main point. I`m going to swim with friends later. Yet the weather now is like super duper hot that I feel like sleeping now as i`m so sleepy and tired? Haha! This few days we keep rushing for this and that.. Yea, this is my uni life.. Two reports are waiting me to complete and pass up on next monday. I dont even start it yet. =s Ahhhh... Sleepy............................ >.<"
Oh yea, about my lecture classes, GREAT! the lecturers just read words by words from the lecture notes. Sooooooo great, dont you think?! -_-" Thats making me even boring during their classes. But no choice. :(
Hmmm... what else to say about? Nothing much I think. Everything is fine now. ;) You know right? Yea, you dont know, nevermind, I dont mind if you dont know. Haha!! =p

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hmmm.. Will I regret as what he said? I hope I`m not. :x
I ever thought of that but failed. Well, hope that there are more opportunities in the future. LOL.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Went for lecturer class two days already. Yea, nothing special but one word - boring.
The lecturers just read the notes directly from slides. Words by words. Not much explanation about it. Well, I knew it before class as everyone told us that these few lecturers are like this. =s
So, we have to study on our own about it. ><"
And yea, since this is short semester, we need to rush for everything. We do have assignment now already. -_-" Lab started on the first day somemore. Rush rush rush...... @@"

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Yesterday went Midvalley with Ivy and Nana for Final Destination 5. Well well well.. You will know how cruel, how bloody and how yucky when you watch it.. Perhaps just for me?! =p
Today, went to klcc for book fest and met Giddens. His sharing was funny and make sense. If you listen to what he said, you will have the same mind as me. :p

Time flies.. So fast that I finished my one year foundation in UCSI. :)
Which mean, I`m going into Degree this sem!!!! =s Hey, I`m not kidding.. I`m not ready for it yet..
Or I should say, I dont feel like studying as I`m lazy?! But this is not the way, I know. =(
So, tomorrow gonna be the first day of my Degree. First day!! and my class is at 8am!! HELLO!! 8am eh!! -_-"
Can I say dont want? :x I dont feel like wake up in the EARLY morning. :c yet what can I do?! I can do nothing but wake up early for class. ><" Anyway, wish everyone enjoys their new sem. =x