
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wake up in the early morning for McD breakfast with Ivy. =P
After that, waiting time passes. Around 10.30am go Faculty of Applied Science to help Mr.Ong to arrange degree students` quiz papers. :s I dont know why but I keep getting it wrong. My eyes so blur when seeing too much numbers. xD So yea, I`m a little bit slow in arranging those papers compare to horny little horse. Anyway, I`m a little bit shock with the reward I get for it. Thanks Mr.Ong. :x
And now, I`m here Block A online. Actually we plan to study here, but end up playing maple and online now as we bring along our lappy. =x
Playing with my webcam. :p
Well, I should start study now, perhaps. If not, I dont think I do have enough time to study. ><"
HARD ah!! =p

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