
Saturday, August 13, 2011

2 more to go...

I sat for my exam on Thurs and Friday. Thus I would need to study at Wed and Thurs night.
Stupid me that I was too sleepy, I left my lappy and light on when I felt asleep till the next moring. Not only one day, but two consecutive days! Proud of myself?! Yea, think so! Haha!
About business, those questions were actually quite similar to our tutorial questions and more or less the same as the tips given. :s Physics, thanks Ms.N for not coming out super hard questions. :) but still, I hate the questions asking me to define. "A space craft at outer space can move in a straight line with the absence of force. Why? Explain it with related to physics concepts or law?!" HOW I KNOW ABOUT THIS!? I have no idea at all. :s

Well, passed already. I am not going to look back. So, 2 down and 2 more to go now. :(
Two harder and hardest subjects to go. ><" Hope that I do have enough time to study all! =x Wish me luck! :p

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