
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Yea, I`m just too bored. :p
Gotta go out later to take my stuff but I`m lazy. =x Yup, I`m lazy as always. Hehe. What to do? The weather outside is hot, making me dont feel like going out. Later still gonna find parking, this really trouble me. -_-"

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pain like hell! Suffering like nobody business! =s

Anyway, I`m here to greet Sky captain Happy Birthday!!
And yea, Belated Birthday to Eve!! Love ya girls..  ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Finally, I can online.. Yea, after one week, i can online already. Before final exam ends, the internet connection in my hostel is having problem that i couldnt online, now when i reached home, i still cannot online. =s

Yup, as I said, I`m home! I am back to LD. Nothing much I can do here. Kinda vored but what to do. Reading novels, online and so on.. XD

Monday, August 15, 2011

Chance was given to you but you did not appreciate it.
I could not help. It is all about your problem. Dont ever say that I never give you such a chance next time.
Think twice and do it wisely.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Feel like being cheated. :(
Anyway, sorry guys as I cant make it for the second movie. I want to watch it too but hostel do have curfew hour. :(
Well well well, forget about it. The movie was so funny that Ivy and I laugh like nobody business, especially me?! =x Perhaps I`m the loudest. Hehe.
Wake up in the early morning for McD breakfast with Ivy. =P
After that, waiting time passes. Around 10.30am go Faculty of Applied Science to help Mr.Ong to arrange degree students` quiz papers. :s I dont know why but I keep getting it wrong. My eyes so blur when seeing too much numbers. xD So yea, I`m a little bit slow in arranging those papers compare to horny little horse. Anyway, I`m a little bit shock with the reward I get for it. Thanks Mr.Ong. :x
And now, I`m here Block A online. Actually we plan to study here, but end up playing maple and online now as we bring along our lappy. =x
Playing with my webcam. :p
Well, I should start study now, perhaps. If not, I dont think I do have enough time to study. ><"
HARD ah!! =p

2 more to go...

I sat for my exam on Thurs and Friday. Thus I would need to study at Wed and Thurs night.
Stupid me that I was too sleepy, I left my lappy and light on when I felt asleep till the next moring. Not only one day, but two consecutive days! Proud of myself?! Yea, think so! Haha!
About business, those questions were actually quite similar to our tutorial questions and more or less the same as the tips given. :s Physics, thanks Ms.N for not coming out super hard questions. :) but still, I hate the questions asking me to define. "A space craft at outer space can move in a straight line with the absence of force. Why? Explain it with related to physics concepts or law?!" HOW I KNOW ABOUT THIS!? I have no idea at all. :s

Well, passed already. I am not going to look back. So, 2 down and 2 more to go now. :(
Two harder and hardest subjects to go. ><" Hope that I do have enough time to study all! =x Wish me luck! :p

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The day before Sept finals

You know, i`m a liitle bit crazy.
Been study and study for this few days. Well, i dont really study much as you think.
I cant study in room as I will keep playing my lappy, like what i`m doing now. -_-
So here we go.. We went LIBRARY for the past few days! :)))
Today no one wants to go as there is exam tomorrow, they prefer to study it at home.
What I do then? Yea, as I said, i`m a little bit crazy, I am going for movie later with my friends, Ivy, Sky and Fifi. :p
Everyone will say, "you geng dy ma, dont need to study also can score well", "you pro ma", or "walao! dont need to study ah?" and so on.. Not that I`m pro enough as you think, just that I`m too lazy or i`m too stress about it?! I dont feel like being in the same routine for this moment. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Yea, I`m not Jack for sure! :p I`m gonna be prepared for movie now........... :ppppp 

Whisper: *let you know whether the movie nice or not after I watch it. :p*

Monday, August 8, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Insomnia?! -_-"

Almost everyday after I have no class, I sleep at 4am.. I dont know why. It`s just because that I cant fall asleep. Yesterday I tried, I off my lappy around 11pm something and lying on bed. I failed! I failed to fall asleep! Keep rolling on my bed until my roommate sleep. -_-" I think it`s around 2am something! you tell me, you tell me!! What the heck is this?! Not that I dont want to sleep but I cant fall asleep. HElp me!!!! T.T
Perhaps I`m having some kind of disease called insomnia?! My organs are going to dysfunction soon! :s

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


真心/信任说起来倒是容易,做起来还挺起劲的,是吗? 不是,不是这样的。。自内心发出的就是真心,这样自然不做作的才是真心。。否则那就是虚伪了。。


Monday, August 1, 2011


Well.. I can understand it as it is really BITTER!!!! ><"
Can I stop it? =s beh tahan ah....................