
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Brother birthday celebration.

Celebrated my brother`s birthday with her girlfriend and my youngest sister on his birthday.
We went Outdoor Adventures in Kuchai Lama for his celebration.
The main point was was the one treated they all. Money gone~ T.T
The main dish: Pork Knuckle
Lamb chop with black pepper sauce.
Sausages platter.  Some are just too salty for me :3
Sister and I 
The birthday boy~ :D
Mango salad
Mix salad
Brother and his girl friend. :D
Can you see how much we ate for 4 pax? :x
Sometimes, we should just keep the problem without telling the others. Otherwise, it makes the condition even worse. Even if you think you should share it without putting it in your heart, please find the right one. Otherwise, this is not a secret but known by everyone around you, perhaps.
And ya, privacy! This is a very important things unless you get the permission from the owner, please.