
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Brother birthday celebration.

Celebrated my brother`s birthday with her girlfriend and my youngest sister on his birthday.
We went Outdoor Adventures in Kuchai Lama for his celebration.
The main point was was the one treated they all. Money gone~ T.T
The main dish: Pork Knuckle
Lamb chop with black pepper sauce.
Sausages platter.  Some are just too salty for me :3
Sister and I 
The birthday boy~ :D
Mango salad
Mix salad
Brother and his girl friend. :D
Can you see how much we ate for 4 pax? :x
Sometimes, we should just keep the problem without telling the others. Otherwise, it makes the condition even worse. Even if you think you should share it without putting it in your heart, please find the right one. Otherwise, this is not a secret but known by everyone around you, perhaps.
And ya, privacy! This is a very important things unless you get the permission from the owner, please.
Oh ya, I just finished my finals. So I am enjoying my holiday now.
That`s why I am free to update my blog now.
Talk about my exam, I hope that I can pass all the subjects otherwise I really don`t know what can I do. 
Very first time got such a low marks for midterm. :/ Not even half wei.. :( 
I don`t want to talk much about my exam. *skip*
I am gonna write other stuffs which make my blog super long. I`m sure this post will be super duper long with all different stories. =x

Let`s talk about my part-time job. I went for a part-time job in May to replace a friend`s friend.
That was my first time being a promoter. What kind of promoter? Wedding package promoter. *.*
Yeah, I worked for CoverShots to promote their wedding package. We were quite shocked when we attended the briefing. We have to memorize different packages in few days time. Ended up, we can memorize it without looking at the papers. "We are having promotion now. R.O.M cost RMxxxx which you can invite 48guests to witness your rom ceremony. 2 gowns provided, lunch included, bla bla bla". Quite tired but a great experience for me to work as a promoter. :p I even met some hometown friends and cousin there. 
Here you go the tag and name card. :p
3 of us working together. P.s: The decoration was sponsored by CoverShots. :p
Managed to make new friends with UKM students. Leslie and LaiJie.

And ya, my youngest sister finally done with her SPM and now she is here in PJ for her studies. Daddy came along with sister to settle down her stuffs. I was busy with my midterm yet I still had to settle my sister stuffs as well. *Blamed my sis that I can`t do well in my midterm :/ * After my midterm, went back to Ipoh with dad and sis to visit my grandparents and relatives. :) Such a long time that I never back to Sg. Siput already. During this journey and his trip to China with mom, I really found that my dad changed a lot, like really a lot. What kind of changes? Hmmm, I am not going to tell here.

Then, the last thing is about my finals. Sucks to the max is what I could say. Blank the questions and handed in the paper. :/ 4 subjects continuous non stop in 3 days. That`s killing and I don`t understand why UCSI will arrange in this way. My friend even worse, 4 subjects in 2 continuous days. -__-"