
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

♥ The goldfish`s birthday ♥

As usually, we would like to give surprise for the others. Same goes to Angel, the birthday girl. :D
Cheating her that we are going for movie on Sunday. She never know that we are planning something for her.. Hehe.. 
So, some of us went earlier to buy her birthday present. 
We are like playing hide and seek in Pavilion as we scare to meet Angel and spoil our plan. =p
Finally, we did it. She believe that I couldn`t join them because my friend is going back to Perth and yea, my friend really go back to Perth that day. :p
Okay, out of topic. 

After that, we went Palate Palatte Cafe. *I dont know how to pronoun it, this sounds funny. xD*
Make a wish, make a wish~

May all your wishes come true. :)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sweat...?! xD

有种三条线的感觉!*不好意思,我的不只3条,太多线了。。* xD
Hmmmm.. I never think that this kind of funny thought will come out from xxx..
This really make me feel sweat.. But not those kind of sweating after doing exercise! =x
But who cares? I dont care. Hahahahaha!
Well, i`m getting used to it. 
*I said to myself every time it happens yet I am not* LOL.



Saturday, February 25, 2012


Terima kasih.. Thank you.. 谢谢。。

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

When everything comes at the same time, FUCK YEA, it explodes!
How long I never cry like this already? I really dont remember. Okay, I cry like hell.
Perhaps you cant imagine it because you never see it before, except certain people. 
Even the time I broke up with my ex, I never cry like this. SHIT YA!
Shit. what else i want to say. I forgot. well, forget about it. I try my best but yea, if someone thinks that this is okay, I cant really do anything. So let it be! At least I TRIED MY BEST!!! F YEA!

I remember what I want to say. Thanks to ivy jie for giving me tips. LOL.
I wanna say that I tried my best in overcome everything but if someone does not cooperate, I cant do anything as well! huhu~~~

Monday, February 20, 2012


Sunday, February 19, 2012


And what I want to say is something about PAINS.
Pains because of 
what you have heard of
what you have seen before
what you have feel of and
what you might have go through before. 
Yes, it hurts. But starting from this second, stop hurting myself, yourself, and ourselves. =x

I read someone post before yet I dont remember who he/she is.
He/she posted the word "PAINS". And what does the word pains stand for? It`s easy. 
P = Positive
A = Attitude
I = In
N = Negative
S = Situation
So, be optimistic whenever and wherever we are.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

