
Friday, October 14, 2011

Genting trip.. =D

Sunday night, I was so happy chatting with my roommate. We were so happy discussing about Genting stuff. Why suddenly we would talk about that? Okay, all because of her mummy went Genting. So, she planned to go Genting on Monday. Yuuuuuhoooooooooooooooo~~~~
What for we went there? We went there just to enjoy the nice weather and slept for one night! HAHA. Okay this might sound crazy but we did. We packed our stuff and heading to Titiwangsa, waited for the bus and there we went for GENTING with mei mei. Tons of pictures were taken. :DDD
My roommie.. :p
The three of us. :DD

Two little cute girls with me! :)
I felt like a little bit being cheated by them. They told me that the weather there will not be soooo cold as what i expected. So, i brought along a short sleeve jacket. Who knows it rains on the way we went Genting! -_-" Buddha bless me. =x
After we settled down our luggage at Highland. We went for our dinner at 铜锣湾. Set of 黄金炒饭 was ordered. :p
I`m too excited to see those food that we need to finish up. ALOT! :s
Xiao xue and I ate a lot, like we ate a horse into our stomach u know? I am not kidding with you, two big set of meals eh... After our dinner, we walked around in first world. Around 9something, Mei Mei brought us to 情人公园 as many couples would go there dating :p The view there was really AWESOME, given that the weather that day is nice. You can have a bird-eyed view of KL! All those lights and building, it warms my heart. :)
KL view from the garden. =)
Suddenly, we were asked to leave the garden as they were going to close it at 10pm. :( I thought we could stay there till like midnight? but we cant, what a sad thing. So, we walked back hotel. Oh ya, forgot to mention about the weather, it was really COLD after raining. Strong wind ahhhh~~~
Just for your info, the hotel got bath tub!! :DD so, we all take turn to enjoy ourselves in the bath tub. Muahahahahaha... 
We leave nothing, but footprints :)
Then, we did a little crazy thing that I didnt do before. We went mamak, somewhere at the basement, at around 1am! =x We could enjoy the view while eating our roti. Haha. So cute that the mamak was somewhere there at the car park area. We discovered a lot new places that the others dont know, but mostly stuffs knew. =D
This is how we looked like when we were heading to mamak! xD
The next morning, we went breakfast with xue ling`s mum. :D She was really nice to us, talkative eh. Dont play play. xD but time flies, we had to rush for our bus at 11am, yet we were still sitting in the restaurant at 10.30am without our luggages ready. Why come back sooooo early? What todo, I need to come back uni to attend the last lab. :s Anyhow, I enjoyed myself! xD

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