
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Had my hair cut today.

Went Leisure Mall on Wed with gangs for Green Lantern. Nice movie.
Ngehehehe. After that, went Sakae Sushi for dinner.
Halo. Do I look cute here?! XD
With Ivy. :)
And yea, she is so excited with the braids! :p
Time for Sakae Sushi.. Yumm yumm..
Before going back home. =DD
The crazy us! xD
Oh ya, I had my hair cut just now! Quite expensive. It costs me RM30!! =x
Well, dont talk about the price. Talk about my hair. It is short now. *compare to before, it`s really short now* A little bit weird as I haven get used to it. -_-" I keep saying that my hair is so short. LOL.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The crazy days..

Not updating my blog for a few days or weeks already?
Okay, I know. I am lazy. 
Definitely, I am.
I am lazy in doing everything, especially revision.
That`s why I craps a lot for today midterm tests. 
Not to mean craps but simple write and circle the answers. LOL.

Well, this few pictures taken last week. Enjoy yourself for this. =)
Ivy is the winner of the night! :p
Having world war 3 in my room. xD
This is the only one can see 'Oh No' xiao jie`s face. (copied from nana ;p)
Yea, the birthday girl of the day. Happy Birthday!
*I know it`s late for now. =x*

Toilet is always the best choice.
So is fitting room. ;)
And the epic photo of the day! HAHAHA!!

Friday, June 17, 2011


This is my 100th post of the blog. So, something I would like to share here.
It is about "complaint" OR "nagging". In chinese, we called it 抱怨.





I read this article from the newspaper and I found that it was actually quite a nice article to share. =) Yet it is easy to say, not action.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


可是,为什么你不让我停下这所有的一切一切呢?!?! 为什么?!