
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Prom night

Told myself that I must attend prom night at least once in my uni life and I did it!
Everyone was so excited about the prom night, shopping for clothes, shoes, accessories and so on. There the money gone~ hahahaha.
Oh ya, this prom was organized by our applied science faculty and the theme was "Olympian Night", dress code - black and white. Black and white eh?! Then I think I was the only one who did not follow the dress code given as I wore blue. :x
Hmmmm, this event was not that fun as I was thinking. It seems like everything, like best dress award, prom king and queen, was set by the organizer. :/ No fun no fun.
All the pretties from Food Science and Biotech :)
Diva and I  ♥
 ♥ this pic with Janice.
Photo taken using camera jiu shi different! :)
10+1. Ten of us with lao lin.
Oh ya, I wonder why Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya ball room so hot. We were sweating throughout the event -_-