
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Love flying

I knew this post is just too late :x but who cares?! Hahaha.
Just do it! 
Guess what, I went flying at FAS Udara Flying Club. I bought a deal with friends since last year yet we did not have time for it until the last day of CNY 2014. Chap Goh Mei coincides with Valentine`s Day. It happens once every 19 years tu...
This deal may be too expensive for ya but at least once in my life :p
Just a little bit upset because the pilot never allow me to handle the plane. Perhaps he was really bored of flying four times continuously.*helpless*
The 'display' plane. >.<
Spent my Valentine`s Day here~
I love the clear blue skies.
Taken when the plane flying around KLCC area.
Ps: Ignore my super round face. 

And ya, first day of CNY I went underwater and last day of CNY I went flying~ A great starting and ending of my 2014 chinese new year *Love*
A song that pop up in my mind- Fly me to the moon.