
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Part time job in Big Bad Wolf 2013 :D

Since I didn`t manage to go back home during my semester break, I went working with friends during December. It was the biggest or cheapest book fair if I am not wrong. I bet most of the people heard of it. Ya, Big Bad Wolf (bbw) book fair is kinda famous I guess? :p

Sent the application form. Went interview. Briefing. and there goes my work at MIECC. Oh ya, the book fair launched for 24hrs :3 So the crews were divided into morning and night shift. Congrats that I was in the night shift @@" I got to work from 7pm to 9am. People came to work and I went back home sleeping. People end their shift I started to work pula. :/ Biological clock was totally in mess.

I worked at Too Precious section. :D As a floor crew, I need to top up those books and search for the books that customers want :3 On the second day, the staff asking all the crews in TP whether anyone of us volunteer to be cashier as they lacked of it. In the end, Boon Hong and I were trained to be cashier in just a few minutes I guess? We learnt for like few minutes then started to work at our own counter already. Omg, so gan jeong that we have to deal with money $$$$.
The car pool gang. :p
The end of the day. :')
Our  TP group photo ♥
Nice tin signs as our background. :D
The funny sapo I met, Syn Yuan a.k.a Vege po.
Today is your birthday. Happy Birthday ya ♥
Chloe, another sapo ♥
She worked with me beside all those empty cartons :3
The cashiers and packers. All work hard and play hard together.
 Love ya all ♥

Even the job was very tiring but we had fun. Chatting around with all the new friends and even enjoyed ourselves with the hot coffee. Where we got the hot coffee? We brought our own tumbler and 3 in 1 coffee sticks! Hahahaha. Very brave right? Because we are not allow to do so, I think so =x Anyway, enjoyed chatting with the members and 2 security guards beside us when there was no customers! :D

Talked about customers, people here dont need to sleep is it? The crowd kept coming in non-stop until 3am to 4am. As a cashier, we non-stop doing transaction. What about those floor crews? They sure got a lot to complain about. :p Some customers even came at 5am with their young kids. Boleh tahan ahhh. I was really impressed by the night life in KL :p Anyway, I really have fun working with a bunch of friends like them. Looking for next gathering with you guys ♥

P/s: Happy Birthday to our TP leader, Loo! Thank you for taking care of us throughout the whole working period. You are a great leader for sure :D Wishing Loo and Syn Yuan have a great year ahead. See ya all :)