
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Time flies~

Time flies~ 
In the blink of an eye, I have been staying in KL for more than 3 years.
And yup, I had done with my final exam AGAIN! I have now completed my Year 3 Sem 1. So fast isn`t it?
Can you slow down the pace so that I able to follow your path. :'( I don`t feel like graduate so fast. :x

After finishing the last paper, we were going to rock the party! :p Oh well, I mean pamper ourselves.
No matter how tired or how bad we did for the papers, we MUST hang out together for some good food or activities. This is a must! :D 

As usual, everyone was trying so hard to think of a nice place for lunch. You know right? Exam really kills a lot of our brain cells and used up our energy. That`s why we gonna boost our energy with some nice food. :D After deciding the place, without further delayed, we got into the car and drove to our destination: Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie.
So many breads and pastries are available there!
They look yummy but I want my main course :p
Beef aglio-olio spaghetti
Mushroom spaghetti
Asked the cashier for pizza suggestion: Margarita pizza.
*Forget about the name, but roughly like this :p*
Last but not least, our group photo of the day  ♥
As usual, the sapo goldfish refused to show her face xD
Guess what, this is like a golden opportunity to hang out with our pretty Eve and Chia Vern. :p 
Definitely we need to take more photos with them ;)
Anyway, hope everyone enjoys their sem break while rushing the stupid FYP, so am I. :3
And ya! All the best to those who are doing internship now. :p Fighting!