
Thursday, August 2, 2012

I planned to go library with my roommate for revision as final exam is around the corner. However, I rushed my assignment the night before till 3am. 10am I was awake by a call from my teacher asking me where my brother studied. He ended the call by asking ONE QUESTION only. Whaaaaaaaat the?!

Fine, I continued to sleep till 11am. Woke up for brunch at Tai Thong Imperial City Restaurant. They are having 50% promo on all the dim sum.. :DDDDDD This is the reason I went there! :p

After brunch, we made some crazy decision and I wasted my whole afternoon not to study. =x Back home and sleep till around 9pm. Cooked porridge as my friend was sick. Fetch him to 4 different places to seek for doctor. Great right? This was because we were looking for government clinic, we need the MC. Ended up we were home around 12am. Got myself done with my late dinner and bath. Proceed with my work again till midnight. =/