
Friday, January 20, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year...

What a crazy night today? Eve, Caven and Jason come here to overnight.. Gamble as if they are so rich.. xD
And yea, everyone sleeps now yet I`m not going to sleep, sound crazy right? But I do it.
I`m going back to Perak today. Hmmm, I mean today morning, waiting brother to fetch me.. :)
Before going back, I do have a breakfast date with my beloved at 7am.. <3
I hope I wont scare the others with my panda eyes later on.. :p

Oh yea, something happened today. Such a surprise for me. Dont you think so? Haha!
What will happened next? No one knows about it, just stay tune kay?
Wish everyone Happy Chinese New Year in advance and all the best ya.. :D

Thursday, January 19, 2012



两个人都只是得过且过  ”


Thursday, January 12, 2012